Favorite .270 Win Powder

His scottishkat,

I have more big game rifles than I need. I can do everything I want to do with my 43+ year-old Model 700 .270 Win, and that includes moose. I'm in a motel room now. Tomorrow morning I'm going to try to put a hurt on cutthroat trout. Then I'll head to my hunting unit. When dawn comes on Saturday morning, I'll be hunting with my Model 700 loaded with 130 grain GameKings. However, I do love my 2 Sako AV rifles, one an incredibly accurate 7MM Rem Mag and the other a very accurate .270 Win, but I don't think that it's more accurate than my Model 700.

When we're in the field hunting big game, there ain't much better than an accurate .270 Win. Put a bullet from a .270 Win in boiler rooms of big game, and they'll become meat in freezers every time.
I am a big .270 win guy and really want to try R26 this year,with 150 gr partitions.I use all traditional .270 powders the 4831's,4350's and R19 and they work well . I have used the .270 as an elk rifle since the 70's and it is better than ever now with the incredible bullets these days.When I take a .270 win rifle of mine my confidence go up.I have many other rifles on my rack...it just works.
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