Farthest Elk Kill with either/or 30-06/270?

I only shoot out to 300 "normally". I will practise out to 500, but only if I have to put down a wounded animal. Before I went to the 2nd trip to a combined hunt, S.A. and then Namibia, I did shoot a great deal out to 500. Then I was very confident on some shots right at and approaching 400yds. But can't say I enjoyed it (or felt like I had accomplished a hard shot) as much as the 300yds shots on Springbuck and under and the 3 Gemsbuck under 200. I did shoot one gemsbuck to 400, (and 2 Springbuck very close to that) but he was a monster, 11" bosses. Huge. He "had to be, he needed to be" to be shot! lol
Cow at 250 yards with .270 Win 150 grain NPT and a bull at 265 yards with a .308 Win 130 grain TTSX. I killed my first cow elk with a borrowed .30-06 at 40 yards with Winchester 180 grain PP ammunition. The .270 Win has been my most used rifle on elk, and have only been using the .308 since I got a suppressor. I'd be comfortable stretching the range further with all of them, I just haven't needed to. I've mostly hunted the same area for over 20 years, so we're pretty well versed on where the elk typically are.
Hey Brother Bickle- I'm sure you had to take some hard angle shots with your 30-06/180PTS? How did they do when you hit big bones or needed deep penetration? Do you see any advantage a 200gr would have given you instead? I'm heavy bullet freak with Partitions. I even like some "weight" in monos ( 165-180) in the 300WM or 338s) Having never used the 130-150 mono in the '06 or the 160 in 338WM.
I've never found elk bones to be all that formidable. Ton of talk regarding the shoulder and how bad *** it is but aside from hitting the spine on it or the leg knuckle I've not found it to be that tough to get thru it.

I'll see if I can a pic to show up on this, not real scientific I know but I took a shoulder bone of an elk to the range, set it up @ 100 yds and shot it with my 270 and a 140 Berger started @ 3050 fps. The bullet busted it up bad and went on thru the backing beyond it. Like I said not scientific but I think it stands for something.

I also shot thru the blade at 100 with my 22/250 with 63 Sierra and 60 Horn HP and both bullets went right thru and right thru the target right behind with no problem and right on course...
My Goodness that's sweet! I killed one with very heavy horns, but was 48" He was facing me at 110 steps, I droped to one knee and popped him where his neck joined his body. He dropped and I found the bullets between his hams. 250X going 2600 35 WAT. Beautiful creatures, right? I'm so glad for you that got to go and have a great hunt! Get's in your blood, doesn't it? ha
I also shot one in Zimbabwe that was 52" inches, but wasn't that big around the bases and a much smaller body size. I shot this one with a .375 ouch&ouch at 265 yrds. He was moving as well but I was able to get a decent lung shot and he didn't go very far. The irony of the bigger kudu was that we weren't hunting for one when we spotted it. My wife, who was crawling on the ground next to me while we were putting the "poop" on a gemsbok, spotted this kudu in a stand of brush off to our left. My PH glassed it, looked at me and said, "you have to shoot this kudu"!!! He was pretty excited, so I knew it had to be a pretty good animal.

This one taken in Zim
African Buffalo Hunt 076.jpg
A quote from the land owner, "So glad you can sneak up close like that." Daughter #2 got her doe at 565y with the same rifle/load. Late season doe permits are plentiful, however after several seasons of being shot at, the goats are more than a little wary. Long range capabilities are always good to have in your hip pocket. I can take the suppressor off and there's a brake/can mount. Perfect for those who are built a little more slight or recoil sensitive. All the kids know that every rifle is dialed and the load is perfect. It's now up to them to get their marksmanship game on and put meat in the freezer.
You know, antelope is what I call "pretty meat", but my taste buds must be strange...I have had loads of people tell me they love the meat, but it gags me! ha I've tried it cooked many ways, and it still is too "gamey" and swells up like mutton (another cringer for me!) when I chew it. I know how to take care of wild game too, even put them on ice right there...Gack. How do you guys cook it?
Sous vide roasts, grilled steaks, fajitas, sausage, all of it just like any other game meat. It does have a different taste, but my household can't get enough!
Wow Uncle Dogz! You did some mean work with that 22-250! I used to shoot both those bullets, that 63 Sierra and the 60 Hornady in a Mod 700 Classic 220 Swift. Wicked little bullets!
Rev I loved those Classics. I had one in 22/250 that was a drill. On a bear hunt (about 1988) I fell down a hill in a blizzard and cracked the stock. I should or restocked it. Instead I moved it down the road.

Maybe it's time to rustle up another Classic eh...