Fairy Ring cures ( also known as liberal ring )


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2014
Alberta ,Canada
Does anybody have any old tricks to get rid of
Fairy Ring.

I've read you can dig them out but I don't really wanna dig my front lawn up.
You need to read the label on those products closely.
Many times they are the exact same as we use on row crops, but if there is "lawn", "turf" or some kind of orchard intended specifically for it it's "labeled" use, the price will be exponentially higher.
I 100% agree. We used to be able to get a chemical called dursban I think they changed the name to lorsban and have since labeled it for ag use only. Even though the exact same chemical. We used it for chinch bugs and it worked awesome. It's all about marketing. Let them put it for golf course and it's even more
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Dursban and lorsban are insecticides. Fairy rings can definitely be from the decaying stumps underground or if debris is buried during construction


Yes they are insecticides I was just agreeing with Phil and giving an example of how the same products are labeled differently but the same thing.
That is what we have found is decaying stumps or roots causing the fungus.

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