Extreme long range hunting bullets

May 19, 2010
Dynamic Research LLC has begun to produce lathe turned long range hunting bullets. These are very accurate and perform excellent at extended ranges. The calibers that are offered at this time are:

6.5mm - 125 gr

308 cal - 191 gr

338 cal - 263 gr

These projectiles will give a better alternative to using the 300 gr match kings or other bullets designed for target shooting. The performance on target is devistating to say the least. Loaded ammunation will be supplied by Southwest Ammunation in Mesa AZ.

You can contact Mike Probst at : 480-283-5884

Any questions please contact me at:
[email protected] or
Stephen L. Damron
Be interesting to watch these. Hope you can get some good data soon. Any info on twist rate and cost for the .338's?
Lathe turned bullets before were extremely finicky on twist, number grooves and land dimensions etc with only a very narrow window for acceptable performance.

What is the range of acceptable parameters that these bullets have been proven to work at in reference to twist, bore diameters etc?

Lathe turned sounds like a solid to me. What makes them devastating on game? Are they an expanding bullet?

How about some pictures.
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