experience last year, tresspassing, theft, during deer season.

Havnt hung a trail camera up in years. When you have the cameras up, for watching for bucks, not theives, you see this one or that one, then when you go out to hunt, you seem to be hunting that one animal. Which I have learned not to do, I like the surprise, when you see that buck coming through the woods.

So, during the move, 4 years ago. Already know I missplaced some things, now I cant find those trail cameras I knew I had, found the old ones, but not the ones still in package. So may just need to get one that will send pics to my cell phone. That will work around my home, but my land, there is no cell service.

If no cell service, guess I am out of luck in that area, and have to do it the old fashioned way with cards.
Havnt hung a trail camera up in years. When you have the cameras up, for watching for bucks, not theives, you see this one or that one, then when you go out to hunt, you seem to be hunting that one animal. Which I have learned not to do, I like the surprise, when you see that buck coming through the woods.

So, during the move, 4 years ago. Already know I missplaced some things, now I cant find those trail cameras I knew I had, found the old ones, but not the ones still in package. So may just need to get one that will send pics to my cell phone. That will work around my home, but my land, there is no cell service.

If no cell service, guess I am out of luck in that area, and have to do it the old fashioned way with cards.
Check out Cuddy Link. I have five cameras throughout my property through the Wi-Fi at my house.

Havnt hung a trail camera up in years. When you have the cameras up, for watching for bucks, not theives, you see this one or that one, then when you go out to hunt, you seem to be hunting that one animal. Which I have learned not to do, I like the surprise, when you see that buck coming through the woods.

So, during the move, 4 years ago. Already know I missplaced some things, now I cant find those trail cameras I knew I had, found the old ones, but not the ones still in package. So may just need to get one that will send pics to my cell phone. That will work around my home, but my land, there is no cell service.

If no cell service, guess I am out of luck in that area, and have to do it the old fashioned way with cards.
I switched everything to the cellular types.
I have them in several places for security and others watching the stands while others watch feeders and fields
Just gonna be outa luck in that area, or just put up hidden cams. No wifi at that house either. Its a old house, stove to heat, window unit to cool...no wifi. Pretty sure closest neigbhor doesnt have it either, not his permanent home.
So I guess you don't have cell phone service?
Out there, mostly no. You can get it if you walk around with your phone in the air in a few spots, 1 bar if lucky.

When your here or there, take a few pics, nothing but battery draining, you walk back to the house or back to the truck, all of a sudden during the walk at spots, your phone goes crazy with messages, and updates.

I use atm Tmobile, I get good reception at my house, at work, and mostly in between, When I had At&T, nothing out there either...

At the end of the road, a few miles, I found out sometimes we get a bar or two consistantly, daughter and I have road up there and sat to make a few calls, and search black friday ads after the sun set for the day.
Out there, mostly no. You can get it if you walk around with your phone in the air in a few spots, 1 bar if lucky.

When your here or there, take a few pics, nothing but battery draining, you walk back to the house or back to the truck, all of a sudden during the walk at spots, your phone goes crazy with messages, and updates.

I use atm Tmobile, I get good reception at my house, at work, and mostly in between, When I had At&T, nothing out there either...

At the end of the road, a few miles, I found out sometimes we get a bar or two consistantly, daughter and I have road up there and sat to make a few calls, and search black friday ads after the sun set for the day.
I have one bar in some places and no service in others, then up at the top I have full service.
Two of mine are in one bar areas and work pretty good, thinking about getting the booster and antenna extension.
I have battled trespassers for over 8 years, Essentially since we bought this farm. They even cut down trees to get at my cameras (which were intentionally put high). I was shot in the arm and leg during turkey season 3 years ago by a trespasser. The season before last someone shot at me in the dark with a rifle, the round passed through the collar of my jacket just above my collar bone but fortunately missed me. I routinely find dead bucks with there heads cut off. I finally got clever and bought some dicreet cameras (for nurseries) and some apple air tags. It has paid dividends in catching the !##$%^
You are a better man than me.
Had the same thing happen to us years ago. We leased a nice piece of land next to the Game Lands. Went out to our stand at 0500 and looked at the tree where the stand was and nothing. Also our Trail Cams were gone. I know who stole our two person stand. There was a State Game Land not too far from the property with a camping area. There were several families that would camp there for almost the whole Deer season with several campers. I went to confront them and when i pulled up there was a blazing camp fire and a 55 gallon drum with beer can over flowing with Jim Beam Bottles. There was a dozen drunk what I would call degenerates shooting at the bottles. I decided to say HI and got out of there fast.
I contacted the DNR and the Law enforcement side said they know all about them. I asked why don't you do something about them. He didn't help out and wanted me to fill out paperwork on the aledged stolen tree stand. I think the DNR guy was related to them. The DNR didn't do anything even though the other party was breaking dozens of Laws.
We quit hunting that area.
The DNR contact me a few weeks later and asked if I knew anything about the road to the Camp Site on Game Lands that was "NAILED". Appears that the road was coated with Drywall Nails and all the trucks staying at the Campsite got flat ties and the tires could not be fixed due to the amount of holes in the tires and sidewalls.
I guess that those drunks peed someone else off in that area.
Something about KARMA.

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