Can you run Exbal on any phones that DONT require a $30/mo data service
(I have ATT&T)?
Is there a ballistic program that can access a weather satellite, and plugs that info in on it's own? If so, does that require a phone that has internet on it?
Funny to see my old post come back to the top. From what i have messed with the iPhone is the only phone that can come close to doing what your talking about. It gets its info from the close weather station i think i may be wrong on where it get the info. but i just turned mine on and it pulled up the info from some where close by that gave the right altitude. But it still not like having a weather meter with you. It does require the Internet to be on. The program is ballistic field tactical. It works very well i have had good luck with it and its cheap i think like 10.00. this is the only one that will do this far as i know.
I really just wanted to get an itouch to run this type of program. I don't want to pay for an internet connection for an iphone or an itouch. So, I guess I will get a itouch, get the $10 app, and look into a weather station.
Vic, I just got this application a couple weeks ago for the I-Touch. Get the $20 version of FTE if you can swing it. It will come with the heads up display (HUD), very well worth the extra $10. So far the program is working well, few bugs with the program but he's getting them worked out. Overall, it compares well with Exbal.
Maybe I am just old school cause I still use mil dot relation to range distance and not a laser. However I am open to semi new technology.
Vic, I just got this application a couple weeks ago for the I-Touch. Get the $20 version of FTE if you can swing it. It will come with the heads up display (HUD), very well worth the extra $10. So far the program is working well, few bugs with the program but he's getting them worked out. Overall, it compares well with Exbal.