Everyday is a blessing

I wasn't sure if I was going to speak about this on LRH but this is a very thoughtful and caring community so I decided to do so.

I was at the range yesterday with the new .270 and just finished up and was packing up when a younger guy about 45 backs up to the table next to me. While I was packing up and he was setting up; I casually asked "How's your day going?" just as a friendly gesture. He turned to me and his eyes were reddish and welled up badly and I knew this was not going to be a good conversation.

He said to me "I buried my fiance yesterday and I am at a loss what to do." He then started to talk and I knew I had to stay and hear him out. He talked for about 20 minutes on how she was to him. I am actually having a hard time typing this.

He pointed to the rifle on the bench and said it is a 6.5CM Tikka that I had on layaway for quite a while. I didn't have the money to pay for it all at once. My fiance surprised me with a new scope for it and paid it off except for $ 0.01 since she could not pay it all off since it was a firearm in my name. When I went to pick it up couple weeks ago, is when I found it out as a monster surprise from her! This was the last thing she did for me since she went fast shortly afterward. I did ask what or why and just listened and tried not to bawl my eyes out on next statement. He picked up the rifle and said " Every time I pick this rifle up it is like I am holding her in my arms". He talked a while longer and then he said "sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or anything and I said whatever you need is to do is all good".

He said "I need to shoot and hold the rifle" and I wished him well.

Every day is a blessing. I hugged my wife real hard when I got home and told her about my encounter and she felt the pain like I did.

Every day is a blessing. Hug your love ones.
I've been an ER nurse for 26 years. I hear this all of the time. Life is precious, fragile and often too short. Best advise is:
  1. Live for the Lord.
  2. Enjoy it while you have it
  3. Get a Calcium Score now along with at least annual complete lab reviews. A calcium score will prevent those "no one saw it coming" heart attacks. Takes 30 minutes, costs $200 cash. While you're at it, get carotid dopplers, PSA, and colonoscopy. It's cheap and will extend many lives.
Sorry for your loss Boots.
I wasn't sure if I was going to speak about this on LRH but this is a very thoughtful and caring community so I decided to do so.

I was at the range yesterday with the new .270 and just finished up and was packing up when a younger guy about 45 backs up to the table next to me. While I was packing up and he was setting up; I casually asked "How's your day going?" just as a friendly gesture. He turned to me and his eyes were reddish and welled up badly and I knew this was not going to be a good conversation.

He said to me "I buried my fiance yesterday and I am at a loss what to do." He then started to talk and I knew I had to stay and hear him out. He talked for about 20 minutes on how she was to him. I am actually having a hard time typing this.

He pointed to the rifle on the bench and said it is a 6.5CM Tikka that I had on layaway for quite a while. I didn't have the money to pay for it all at once. My fiance surprised me with a new scope for it and paid it off except for $ 0.01 since she could not pay it all off since it was a firearm in my name. When I went to pick it up couple weeks ago, is when I found it out as a monster surprise from her! This was the last thing she did for me since she went fast shortly afterward. I did ask what or why and just listened and tried not to bawl my eyes out on next statement. He picked up the rifle and said " Every time I pick this rifle up it is like I am holding her in my arms". He talked a while longer and then he said "sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or anything and I said whatever you need is to do is all good".

He said "I need to shoot and hold the rifle" and I wished him well.

Every day is a blessing. I hugged my wife real hard when I got home and told her about my encounter and she felt the pain like I did.

Every day is a blessing. Hug your love ones.
I would have been crying a flood if I was there listening to his story. It shows you how precious life is and how ready we should be in gods way for that journey.

Good for you for being there to listen to him since it was obvious he needed someone that would listen.
I believe we are sent to this earth to do a job each day and when our jobs are done, we get to go home. Your job yesterday was to be kind to a stranger and ask a question, then listen intently to someone who was hurting. Your job today was to share yesterday's experience with us as a reminder to be kind and that life is very short and to be thankful everyday for the loved ones in our lives. Thank you for a job well done.
I believe we are sent to this earth to do a job each day and when our jobs are done, we get to go home. Your job yesterday was to be kind to a stranger and ask a question, then listen intently to someone who was hurting. Your job today was to share yesterday's experience with us as a reminder to be kind and that life is very short and to be thankful everyday for the loved ones in our lives. Thank you for a job well done.

Just found out my neighbor passed away last night from heart attack. My age, good guy, total family man. Proud to be a friend of him. We talked couple days ago mostly grandkids laughing at anecdotes of them. We were setting up some fishing trips for Lake Michigan and talked about just life in general. One of those guys that would drop whatever he was doing to help. I know I am rambling but I just feel so empty and just got off call with another neighbor. This came out of nowhere, no previous indicators that we are aware of which is so shocking. We both said same thing, each day you open your eyes is a blessing. Make the most of each day the right way. I hope to see the grandkids this weekend and bigger hugs to all for sure.
Never easy to loose a friend.
I wasn't sure if I was going to speak about this on LRH but this is a very thoughtful and caring community so I decided to do so.

He turned to me and his eyes were reddish and welled up badly and I knew this was not going to be a good conversation.

He said to me "I buried my fiance yesterday and I am at a loss what to do." He then started to talk and I knew I had to stay and hear him out. He talked for about 20 minutes on how she was to him. I am actually having a hard time typing this.

Every day is a blessing. Hug your love ones.
Glad you shared, glad you listened, glad you posted here, I missed this thread first time around.

God likes us stepping up on each others behalf, I guarantee prayers are more than an empty gesture.

Thanks for the opportunity to pray for this stranger, he may have no one else to do it for him.
Glad you shared, glad you listened, glad you posted here, I missed this thread first time around.

God likes us stepping up on each others behalf, I guarantee prayers are more than an empty gesture.

Thanks for the opportunity to pray for this stranger, he may have no one else to do it for him.
I wasn't sure if I was going to speak about this on LRH but this is a very thoughtful and caring community so I decided to do so.

I was at the range yesterday with the new .270 and just finished up and was packing up when a younger guy about 45 backs up to the table next to me. While I was packing up and he was setting up; I casually asked "How's your day going?" just as a friendly gesture. He turned to me and his eyes were reddish and welled up badly and I knew this was not going to be a good conversation.

He said to me "I buried my fiance yesterday and I am at a loss what to do." He then started to talk and I knew I had to stay and hear him out. He talked for about 20 minutes on how she was to him. I am actually having a hard time typing this.

He pointed to the rifle on the bench and said it is a 6.5CM Tikka that I had on layaway for quite a while. I didn't have the money to pay for it all at once. My fiance surprised me with a new scope for it and paid it off except for $ 0.01 since she could not pay it all off since it was a firearm in my name. When I went to pick it up couple weeks ago, is when I found it out as a monster surprise from her! This was the last thing she did for me since she went fast shortly afterward. I did ask what or why and just listened and tried not to bawl my eyes out on next statement. He picked up the rifle and said " Every time I pick this rifle up it is like I am holding her in my arms". He talked a while longer and then he said "sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or anything and I said whatever you need is to do is all good".

He said "I need to shoot and hold the rifle" and I wished him well.

Every day is a blessing. I hugged my wife real hard when I got home and told her about my encounter and she felt the pain like I did.

Every day is a blessing. Hug your love ones.
The Lord called on you today, and you answered

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