Ever find a shotgun while hunting?

Years ago a bud and I were rabbit hunting in the mountains near Gold Hill, CO. We spotted a Subaru in the snow with the tailgate open. Thinking it had been stolen, we walked up to it. I moved around to see the driver's side. A body with most of the head missing leaning against the door and a lever gun between the legs! We immediately headed into Gold Hill and called the sheriff!
Awful sight! Had nightmares for years.
Sadly his mother called me a couple of times (I guess my name and number were on record?) crying and saying "my son didn't commit suicide!" Rather upsetting for me too.
That's rather disturbing now I'm gonna have them,
Early one morning my dad lost his favorite gun, his Browning A5 in the duck slough. He and his hunting partner set out their decoy spread well before first light and then pulled the John boat into the cattails. Once settled in he started looking in the boat for his gun. It wasn't there. His buddy brought him back to the truck. Not there either. He drove all the way home to see if he left in the garage. Nothing. By the time he got back to the duck slough it was day break. He carefully push poled a second John boat from shore through the cattail path leading to open water and luckily spotted it 3' under water along that path. I think he purchased a floating gun case after that and made sure it was tucked in where it wouldn't get bumped out of the boat easily.