Encore 209x50 bullets

Yes, absolutely your breech plug will work with BH209.
IF.... you can find them or have them, CCI209M or Federal 209A primers work the best in all different types of weather. WIN209 will work generally. Dedicated muzzleloader primers........ STAY AWAY FROM THEM.

I agree, the investment for such a short season is completely unnecessary. That's why he should remain with the OEM system in his Encore.

CVA uses the variflame system because they didn't know any better and got a hell of a deal. CVA had nothing but trouble with that system and had to send out multiple spring kits for that bolt. They still are sending out spring kits. So many owners got p'd off over it they went to another Arrowhead system. Its been a known leaking system unless its perfect, which few are. I would never recommend it.
As for a $1300 system........ most owners of the system not only use it for their dedicated muzzleloader season, no matter how long it may be, but also use the system during the general seasons if allowed. Once they find out how accurate the barrel system is, why shoot a CF? However, if the OP wants to do it right the first time and not have to do it over, get the barrel from Luke. If he wants to save a lot of money, use his current system and make a few slight changes.
Thank you
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