ELK unit 22 Wyoming

Topography and Vegetation: The area is dominated by the Ferris Mountains, extremely steep, rocky ridges rising to 10,000 feet with dense conifer forest on many northern slopes. These forested stands taper quickly into sagebrush prairies which extend north to granite rock outcrops covered with scattered conifers in the northern extreme of the area. To the south, the Ferris range drops into a narrow band of foothills before leading out into stabilized and active sand dunes. The eastern Ferris Mountains had significant acreage burned during wildfires in 2011 and 2012. Riparian meadows, irrigated hayfields and limited aspen stands are found along several major creeks.
General Statement Regarding this Hunt Area: There are almost no roads, primitive or otherwise, into the Ferris Mountains, with almost all access routes stopping at the base of the range. As a result, hunting on the mountains is on foot or horseback, and most of the terrain is too steep and rocky for horses. Fortunately, most of the flowing water is at the base of the mountain and in the associated foothills and, as a result, most elk are also found in this zone. But it is not uncommon to find these elk out in the desert sand dunes, open prairie or dispersed aspen pockets. October weather may vary from dry and windy with temperatures in the 70s and 80s to freezing cold with significant snowfall. While some roads in this area become muddy and nearly impassable when wet, many roads in sandy or rocky areas remain drivable even with some precipitation.
Fun place to explore
It is a remote area and moving from one spot to another takes a lot of driving
I had the tag 8 years ago and could not find a bull over 320. Hunted pretty hard
Easist unit I know to kill a satellite bull if you wait for them to come out on the prairie. Shot a light 6x6 a couple years ago 7 yards from the two track. My hunting partner shot a 5x5 on top last year and it took two days to get him out.. you would think they would roll to the bottom as steep as it is but they tangle in everything in thier path!
I never caught them on the prairie last year and I'm too old and beat up to go after them in the trees...its steeper than it looks.
Bow hunting is your best chance of getting a herd bull as they disappear into the moutain for gun season.
That is a great license! Fun hunt. I had it two years ago and waited until December. You can get HMA permission and that's worthwhile. As has been said, it is really steep and rugged on top. But those bulls usually come down later in the year. It's not real easy glassing the low country because there's not a lot of high points to glass from. And there are lots of little rolling pockets where the elk can hide. You can drive around, but it's also fun to do some hiking. Congrats on a great license and enjoy yourself.

Here's a pic of the bull I shot. His left antler was broken off, but he was still a good bull. I had a fun time and would enjoy having that license again - if I can ever draw it.


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Took a little ride through the unit last week. Bulls are looking good this year. I'd definitely hit it during archery season. It will give you your best hunt.