My brother got shot in the face and head by a friend's Dad while we were out quail hunting. Luckily, he was on the other side of a thick bush, when my buddy's Dad shot at "something rustling" after we flushed a covey.
My brother was more scared our Mom would never let us go hunting again, so we kept it quiet. Popping about 15 #8 shot from his face and ears. Two pellets, we had to cut out with a razor knife. Could have been much worse.
I almost got my head blown off by the same buddy's cousin. Again, quail hunting (different trip), and his cousin had never shot a gun. It happened to be late dove season too, and we were shooting some doves in the evening flight. My buddy said his cousin could try shooting his shotgun. We were standing around BSing, and heard his cousin say "here comes one" as he was standing behind me. I turned as he was swinging...right in the path of my head. I ducked as he fired, which saved my life I am sure. I proceded to beat the $#!t out of him. Permanently lost about 60-70% of my hearing in my right ear.
We were banned from ever hunting with that family again.