Drop Savage LH short action in Win 70 stock?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2016
New England
Dumb question, but I may as well ask. I have a MINT Winchester model 70 featherweight stock, left-handed short action, complete with the schnable forend, fluer de lis checkering and as nice as a piece of wood as the factory ever put on their rifles ... or at least those that didn't come out of their custom shop.

I contacted their custom shop and sadly I do not have the $1,000s that I'd need to pay for a true LH Win model 70 featherweight. But I have used many a LH Savage rifle and to tell the truth, all have been shooters and one I have now is the most accurate rifle in the safe!

So ... does any 'smith out there even know the particulars of the bedding between the 2 actions or what I'd be in for? I have bedded and pillar bedded many rifles, even wrote one of the first tutorials ever posted on-line for bedding Savage actions, but have never done a Winchester stock - ZERO experience there.

Any thoughts?
OK, Savage action diameter is 1.35".

Winchester action diameter is 1.35".

Thats the hard part. You will have to fill some holes as the bolt spacing is no where near the same. But if done delicately, may may look fine, one may even line up.

Now its bedding time. That will cover the final fitment.

I would say go for it.

OK, Savage action diameter is 1.35".
Winchester action diameter is 1.35".

I would say go for it.
Thanks Larry! Also appreciate the action data. The LH stock only cost me $100 ... so I have really nothing to lose!

Cheers! Oh, and I'll post back some info ... with photos, if successful!
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