Drew my first antelope tag ever!! Nevada 065

Good for you . I also received a tag for area 076 in N.E.NV. it took 20 plus years to draw one. If I get one it will be the second time. I will be using a custom .284 Win. with a long throat and 168 Berger VLD. It has a 27 1/4'' barrel and a I/8 twist. Shoots small little groups. I expect a long range shot 300 to 600 yards.
Good luck.:)
I drew right across the highway in 141. I hunted 065 last year with my uncle for deer. great unit. He has a deer and a antelope tag there this year. I'll be using a custom 6.5-284 shooting 140 gr Berger VLD's. Should be all I need and then some!
Here you go. It was very dry and hot, really dusty too. Opening day, roughly 470 yards. 6.5-284, 140 VLD. Anything but a trophy but I couldn't pass this buck since I had never taken one to that point. Besides, this neon white Alaska boy was getting sun burned so bad my face was swelling up like a balloon!


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