Need suggestion on quality extra long drag bags. I have one gun that is 50" and one that is 52". I have seen a bunch of 49" bags and really like the Eagle bags but they are not long enough. Thanks in advance.
Check w/Shawn Carlock. The one he uses would be right up your alley. It's on his first video and there are post that identify it if one can master the search feature.
BTW, I use my mat as a drag bag and actually drag it. It works best in snow.
The best way of carrying, at least for me, is butt down in a pack. In snow a plastic sled is tops, if runners are installed and provisions are made for it to not slide back wards.
I just got one from here:Tactical Sniper Drag Bag ,I couldn't ask more out of a drag bag as far as function and quality go.My rifle is exactly 50'' long,and it just fits.
Check out the TACFORCE 62" STRYKER DRAG BAG. I have my DE 338 in it. It is the same bag SC has in the video mentioned and is the only one I am aware of that fitted my gun at 54 "