Doe has 6 fawns.

Now known as "sexa-mom", said deer is having botox treatments and expects exorbitant welfare payments because she is "entitled". She's also considering participation in certain unscrupulous films for extra money.
That is wild if they are all hers.
She could have adopted some of them (I have seen does adopt more than one).

It they are hers, I want to find out what the hunters are feeding her.

That many fawns will also drag her down if someone does not supplement her feed .

I have seen big momma does running with big groups of little ones as many as 8 before. After the season starts and some of the younger does get killed. The fawns will follow the older deer instinctively.

I have difficulty believing one doe could have 6 fawns. I have seen them with 4 fawns inside them late season in late February on some of the management hunts here. I have never seen one with 4 fawns in summer.

I read once that bears will abort pregnancies during hibernation depending on health maybe deer can do similar.

Good luck and shoot straight.

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