Do barrel cooling fans work (chamber chiller)?

The water thing would definitely work so long as your running a few dry patches...

The easiest cool down takes place on the bench with out removing the bolt and running cleaning rods and dry patches little lone handling the rifle to run water down the pipe...

If that works for folks that's great,,, the air pump thing is just to easy simple and fast...

And it works becuase of the frugal costs...

$10 to $20 air pump with a spare set of batteries,,, $1 dollar plastic hose and your good to go... Plus you can do a cool down between each shot if you like...

Find what works and get at,,, while my pipe is in cool down mode I fill out my shooting data book and relax with a coffee or lunch...

Lawn chair time with less work... Ha

Cheers from the North
Not to derail thread, would cooling the barrel TO quickly contribute to fire cracking in the leads/ throat area of the barrel? Honestly just curious? Thanks, rsbhunter
I have the RifleKühl. Works great. It's a little over priced for what it is, but I don't have the time to cobble a bunch of stuff together. It's most useful in my thinner contours - I shoot a 4 shot group and then run the cooler. About 15 minutes later I can shoot another group with no effect on POI. I'm not sure how well it works when ambient temps are above 90. I bring the heavy contours on those days.
I shoot 1 to 1 minute,,, 2 to 2 and so on till my pipe gets hot,,, then fan cool for about 3 to 4 minutes...

Pretty easy to rap off 50+ shots in an hour """if""" I choose to...

Normally I run about 25 to 30 shots per rifle,,, I don't mind spending the day at our shooting ranges of glory...

Both have club houses so we can sit around to tell true BS stories... LOL

We travel with a firearms control center that allows us to change up things like rifles,,, in-feild ammo prep and optics,,, a laboratory on wheels with the hunting gear in the back cabinet,,, warm and dry for all season shooting where ever we end up... The just enough to get by...

The KISS idea was figured out 30 to 40 years ago... LOL

Cheers from the North
We used to shoot at the range in Pennsylvania on very hot humid evenings. There was a creek nearby and one guy there used to soak a towel and put on the barrel of his 300 Weatherby Magnum. Well long story short he ruined the barrel by doing that. I would not use water on a barrel.
My sporter barrels heat up fast,,, not so much for the Palma contours that I shoot now days...

My full Palma F Class rig holds accuracy pretty good during a match of 15 to 30 rounds,,, it smoking hot at the end of a round...

My other heavy barrel 2.8 and 3 contour units hold even with 7 to 9 shots depending on how hot it is out side... Of course I'm ready for a break at that point if I'm at the range... The medium heavy barrel units are simply awesome when hunting,,, point and shoot as they hold their own for the limited """shot""" or follow ups... Very rare I need a follow up...

Hopefully my new 6.5 A-square holds in for a few years before I try the next latest and greatest... Ha

Cheers from the North
Because I want to shoot my light, skinny barreled 6.5 PRC Browning X-Bolt Pro in a local "varmint" competition out to 1,095 yards at MOA steel squares I absolutely want some kind of barrel cooling. A thick, very damp towel may be the answer.

That competition shoots 5 shot relays with at least 10 minutes between my relay while other shooters take their turns so there's time for cooling that barrel.
Maybe a "towel-and-fan" combo will be best. Gotta be consistent in how I do it every time for consistent cooling.

Eric B.
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Suppose a shooter has a cooler with several gallons of 36-degree water in it (fridge temp), brought to the range specifically for cooling the barrel. Would pouring that cold water down a hot barrel be a bad thing to do? I'm thinking maybe causing the barrel to bend, warp, twist, et cetera. I never shoot so fast that my barrel gets smoking hot; I'm asking for a friend who does shoot three to five rounds per minute.
I'd rather try the "damp towel-and-fan" cooling to keep ALL water out of the barrel. Even the smallest droplets of water inside a barrel can adversely affect accuracy. But hey, if you're competing against me use all the water you want inside your barrel. ;o)

Eric B.
Sportsman's Warehouse
Thanks. I go to Scheels much more than to Sportsman's Warehouse. I have a Scheels VISA card; I get 1.5% of the purchase when using it anywhere that I later turn into merchandise at Scheels with every $2500 I spend. Sportsman's Warehouse is also several miles deeper into Reno's abysmal traffic; the less time I spend in such traffic, the better. The good thing about Sportsman's is that it's the only place I could buy .375 Ruger brass for the two mildcat rifles I'm giving away to a friend from high school.
When I have the need to test cold bore shots, I leave the truck run with the a/c cranked up, shoot a shot then put the gun in the truck for 3 or 4 minutes. Done.