Discussion of new book


<b>Official LRH Sponsor</b>
Mar 8, 2007

The latest book: "Modern Advancements in Long Range Shooting - Volume 2" has shipped and you should all be receiving your pre-orders now.

I'm starting this thread to discuss any reactions and questions you have about the material. There are some things in there which may stir up some controversy, and I'd like to be able to address any questions about our procedure and how we arrived at our conclusions rather than let the 'internet' sort it out. Also, any simple things like typos we can address and fix for the future re-print.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!



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Thanks. It arrived yesterday. I read the intro and went to bed early. I had to go to work for the first time in about a year and a half since I retired. Lord willin' I will get into it this evening.
Super helpful book which saved me many times the price in time and money for upgrades to my reloading equipment I was considering, but won't need and helped solidify things I should be looking at!

Thanks for all you and your staff's efforts to make long range shooting more science based!
Warning! This thread is more than 8 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.