Difference between Vortex Viper Model Riflescopes?


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2014
I am looking to build up a new Tikka Superlight .270 and thinking about getting a Vortex Scope on it. I am fairly dumb as it pertains to all the different models of scopes and what all the values mean. I usually just sight in my basic scope and then kill whatever is in my crosshairs out to 400 yards. That is not intended to be a brag but I am just oblivious to what else somebody needs.

I am looking at something in the 4-16x44 range and their are three Vortex models that are are close together:

Vortex HS
Vortex HS LR
Vortex HS-T

Can somebody help me understand what the difference is on these or what I would be gaining/giving up by going with one over another. I probably have a max at 500 yards and that would be in desperation rather than goal of shooting that far. Weight is a little bit of a factor but these all seem close to each other within a few ounces. Are some of these more than I would really need? Would something like the HS LR be a good middle ground of the three?

Any help and education would really help me in making the best decision. I currently have no rifle with a turret but could be open to learning. Lastly this will designed for a hunting rifle and not just a range rifle.
Sounds like you're after the HS, the LR and HS-T are exposed turret models intended for turret twisters. The Vortex website breaks down all their models with pics and descriptions if more info is needed.
If your interested in dialing then the hst scope is pretty hard to beat. If you would like to use hold over by aiming with the reticle than the hs xlr in ffp is your best bet.

I don't personally care for bdc reticles that are not moa based as they have predetermined aiming spots that may or may not match your rifle...however an moa reticle is more adaptable to any rifle configuration.

The hst would allow you both the ability to dial in your shots or to use the reticle for precise hold over. It also has a zero stop function and with a 44 bell mounts low and is a smaller profile than the others mentioned.

Sounds like you're after the HS, the LR and HS-T are exposed turret models intended for turret twisters. The Vortex website breaks down all their models with pics and descriptions if more info is needed.

the HS LR windage is capped


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