Well-Known Member
There have been severall Grizzlies shot here in Idaho the last few years, some were mistaken identity (Black Bear) but most were in self defense or defense of livestock. There also don't appear to be a shortage of wolves. The Idaho F&G were managing the wolves successfully until this past year. Either for political reasons or pressure from environmental groups the US F&W stepped in and got a liberal judge in Boise signing a bill to ban the early trapping season on wolves because they were afraid of someone trapping a Grizzly. This eliminated the trapping of wolves in September, October, and November when it was easier for trappers to get around especially in remote areas. They now have to trap in December, January, and February, the hardest months to trap (in my opinion), I am not sure about March. All because of the Grizzlies. No wonder in some areas the philosophy is SSS, shoot, shovel, and shut up.