The posts about stress and "Mind over Gut" are correct. Ever smelled something that "Turned yur Gut"? Rotting meat/fish... A tip from someone who has Ulcerative Colitis (stopped me from hunting for several years till we got it in control with meds and stress DOES throw guts into overdrive) AND RAISED 2 KIDS . My diaper changing method involved ZERO breathing through nose, ONLY mouth. Only breathe normal after exiting area and washing up. My oldest daughter cleared the house of buddies every time, but had NO effect on me! You get no stomach turning bad smells hitting you and works just as well on dressing out critters! Another trick is some Vick Vapo Rub (menthol) or spearmint muscle rub under nose to mask smells too. Learned that in USAF WAYYY back on crash recovery duty. It all comes back to the brain, memories and body chemistry!