I have a new takeoff Tikka factory 6.5cm barrel I screwed on my action as a means of a cheaper practice/backup rifle.
Unfortunately, it headspaces a bit short by 0.003. With a box of Winchester power point ammo, about 50% chamber with a bit of rubbing and the rest have 1-2 thou clearance.
I'll mostly be handloading for this barrel, but wanted the option of using factory ammo.
I ordered starline SRP brass and Lee FL die set, but it hasn't come yet so I don't know if those will chamber or not and don't yet know if I'll have to grind down a shell holder or die on to be able to bump the shoulders back if I don't deepen the chamber.
Options are:
- have a smith deepen the chamber - not preferable because I'm guessing it would cost at least $150 minimum. That's more than I paid for the barrel and defeats the purpose of this being a cheap project.
- rent a reamer and t handle from 4D and deepen it myself. I'm not sure how easy it would be to do this without going too far. I've also seen some reports of negative experiences with 4D recently. Would cost at least $75-90 after shipping it back.
- lap my bolt lugs w JB or flitz to remove 0.003. this might take quite a bit of work and I don't know if it's my action or the barrel that's a little "off". Probably the worst idea.
- do nothing. Handload mostly and modify my shell holder or die if needed. Take calipers and headspace comparator with me to the store when considering factory ammo purchase.