Decisions - Choosing between 7-08 or 308


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2009
Wolfforth TX
So.... Recently built my 22Creedmoor ... but i have the itch to build an upper for it.

Then Proof Research just sent some 1/8 twist CF barrels to their Texas distributor (I'm a newsletter recipient). I had previously been thinking of a larger bore caliber to use for OK/NM/TX elk, mule deer, and for nilgai hunting in South Texas.

I have an older 308 barrel in my bin of parts, which is 18" in length. But I could just build a Pistol for a parts bin shorty barrel, which is a 12.5" 308 barrel... I was talking with a friend who built a 20" 7mm08 that he uses for pig killing in Central Texas as well, and he got me to thinking maybe I just leave the shorty 308, and do a 7mm-08 instead....

So here I am... trying to figure out, which might be the best option. the 8 twist 308 will be capable of shooting subs, but also 170-180gr mag length 308 loads, including the new Hammers. If I decided to go the 7mm-08 route, I was going to have to purchase a special order 7-08 barrel from XCaliber in carbon fiber, and would opt for the faster twist as well. The cost of the X-Caliber and that of the Proof is marginally the same. The biggest question, to me at least, is which would be the most ideal to shoot.

Which would you pick, if you were using a gas gun for the above scenarios? Longest ranges would be on the Elk and Mule Deer populations 300-400 yards is my most comfortable range currently due to the lack of areas for me to practice easily or affordably. Our south Texas Nilgai are generally within 150 yards. No subsonic shooting at all, just true brute terminal ballistics with heavier projectiles.

And.... if you were to choose one over the other, what would you think might be the ideal bullet weight to load up for it?

Honestly curious what others opinions are for this scenario.
308 is my vote for your intended use.

I load and shoot both a lot... but in bolt rifles.

Easy to find cheap over the counter ammo for blasting away at hogs.
Easy to find components for 308 reloading.
308 can achieve as high or higher velocity with same weight or heavier bullet / barrel length.
I always look at bullet performance at minimum terminal velocity. Then compare both choices in .284 and .308.
I personally look into the lighter and faster since you'll be limited on barrel length. How can one recover lost velocity on barrel choices?
This is sound advice. I am not sure why you want heavy for caliber bullets given the ranges you will be shooting.
I went through the same thing but in a bolt gun. I am in Michigan where I will primarily hunt. After talking to a few people. I opted for A 16.5 in 308. If I lived out west, It would be the 7mm08 22 inch. 7mm08 still intrigues me.
Hehe, I had that choice a long time ago. I had a Remy 600 with an 18" 308 barrel. Kicked like a mule and bellowed very loud! A friend, who was a small time gunsmith, said I could change barrels; put a 22" 7/08 lite wt. barrel on it and still have the same weight but less recoil. So I did. LOVED that rifle! I whacked a deer at about 300 yds. and put it on the ground. Lots of enjoyment. Finally, I gave it to a Montana outfitters son and he shot elk and coyotes with it. The 7/08 will do just about everything the 308 will, but with less recoil, and I think better trajectories.
.308 for me! I have had a couple of different 7/08 rifles and I have never been able to get one to shoot as well as I thought it should. The .308 has always shot well for me and I didn't need to try very hard to find a good load. The newest addition to my safe is a Ruger American II in .308 and it didn't disappoint in the accuracy department at all, I loaded up a 150 grain Nosler Partition and stopped after working up the first load tried with a very accurate load. For your uses, that Nosler may be a bullet you could try.