Czechoslovak Group committed to buying Vista Outdoor's ammunition business

Vista's leadership / board has a fiduciary responsibility to its share holders. Ignoring the larger offer opens Vista and its leadership up to litigation.

Good to read the following excerpt, "Two of Vista's largest shareholders, Gates Capital Management and GAMCO Asset Management, both publicly opposed the deal while simultaneously supporting MNC Capital Management's all-cash offer of $3.2 billion to purchase Kinetic and its outdoor branch Revelyst."

The way in which this entire sale unfolded raises a lot of questions. Share holders are right to ask / demand an explanation on the what grounds would Vista press on with a sale when a higher counter off was made? Unless of course the all cash offer was suspect.

Just my opinion of course.
Looked at the list again, wonder what percentage of domestic primer production that represents. Certainly has to be near half the loaded ammo market, maybe more when you factor in primers and powder supplied secondary ammo producers.

I've no idea the legality or inter working of a deal like that. In a perfect world a domestic group, headed by someone as passionate about the product as the profits would be best to head a near monolith like that. I'm sure there are wonderful freedom loving folks abroad, but our second amendment right is so truly unique it seems a domestic buyer would be preferable. Guess it could also be worse...