Czech Sniper Competition


The tripods are Zeiss, but you can do the same thing with something similar without paying for the name eg Bogen / Manfrotto 055 Nat3 with Rc141 head is a good way to good (green coated).

Matt / David, excellent post. Once again apologies I couldn't make it this year. Hopefully circumstances will be different next year. Well done /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

I have a very similar tripod sherpa pro cf 630.

I think it was £90-00.

With a Gitzo G1275M head on it.

The centre column is in sections and can be used either way up, very flexible.

I stripped down the centre column to reduce weight/space for the flight to the comp and used it low/the right way up.
The legs can lock in three positions one of which is nearly horizontal to the ground.

On the day the rain/fogging got the spotting scope and I could actually see better through my s&b 5-25!

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