Cva optina elite- what bullet


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2018
I just picked up a CVA Otima Elite muzzleloader. I was wondering what bullet people have had success with. I have on hand 348gr powerbelts and 270gr federal trophy copper.
Which one is the "elite" ?

I have a V2 in ss that likes the federal borelokt 270gr copper and thor 300gr copper bullets over bh209 powder.

Here in CO we have to use full bore (no sabots) and loose granular powder -- and no scopes. If you arent limited to full bore there are some really accurate and fast/flat shooting sabots I'd try first.

Powerbelt's are "limbo land" bullets--- some guys swear by them, others use them for fishing sinker weights...the 338 platinums shot well from my gun also, BUT too many horror stories of losing animals for me to try them in the field so they stay in my box for range practice only
The Elite was made for a short time in the early 2000’s. Around 2006/2007. It was CVA’s response to the TC Encore. I would be using it for Colorado hunting. Have you tried the Federal Trophy Copper 350 gr?
The Elite was made for a short time in the early 2000’s. Around 2006/2007. It was CVA’s response to the TC Encore. I would be using it for Colorado hunting. Have you tried the Federal Trophy Copper 350 gr?
Nope, haven't seen them in stores and didn't want to web-order... I found the 270s on closeout at Wally world for a pretty good price so i bought a few packages to try out, with a scope I can shoot them into 3/4-1 moa at 100 yards, but no scopes here for hunting so due to my lovely eyes (not being able to focus very well on both close and far at the same time) i can only shoot about 2moa at 100 yards for hunting purposes so I limit my shots to 125-150 yards max for open sights
I just picked up a CVA Otima Elite muzzleloader. I was wondering what bullet people have had success with. I have on hand 348gr powerbelts and 270gr federal trophy copper.
I use a CVA Acura MR and I had a helluva time finding the right round & powder combination.
I found that the 250 gr Barnes TMZ was the most accurate of 8 different bullet powder combos I tried but the rifle was still not sub 1” @ 100 yds. Then I went from 777 primers to CCI MAGNUM primers and from 777 pellets to Blachorn powder @ 84grns WEIGHED (120 by volume). Now I can repeatedly shoot clover leaf groups at 100 yds. Ya just gotta try different loads till ya find the right combo. Oh yeah I also purchased the CVA Blackhorn ready breechplug (there is one available for yours)........vital for consistant ignition in my opinion.
And another tip is to fire EACH round from a clean barrel when sighting in, a pain but absolutely vital for obtaining optimum accuracy from a muzzleloader.
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