Custom action pressure ceiling.

I guess so
Every server has limits though, and I'm sure it's taxing to churn up searchable threads.
Better would be to start a new thread referencing a link to the archived thread
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The point of the question was not to find out how far a sami cartridge can be pushed beyond sami when in a custom action. It is in particular for wildcat cartridges that have no load data. The point is to not go too far in load development. Wildcats on Lapua cases present more of a problem in that the Lapua case will take more pressure before showing it than other brass. So it seems to me that a high quality custom action coupled with Lapua brass could be a recipe for disaster.

I know this is old but @Hand Skills liked my post here.

I'm not sure if I agree with my statement from 2010 so much today. I don't think it is really a recipe for disaster unless a person was to take it to the point of blowing primers and then continue to go up several grains. The brass is still the weak link here and will give up long before the action. Someone told me that the brass is kind of like a shear pin in the system. I agree with this.