I have had a decent year I started in the beginning of october, and to date I have shot 23 coyotes, which one of those 23 attacked me while I was calling one evening, I have called hundreds of coyotes in my lifetime but have never had one that charged to the call as fast, and aggressive, as this one. It was a young female, that would not stop after yelling at her three times, and when she was within aprox 8 feet, she dived at me with ears back, and jaws open right towards my face all I could do was put my arm up, and block her from going for my face she locked on to my arm, as she was in mid air, and I pushed her away, she let go and started to run away from me I got my composure back picked up my rifle and took a shot at her, I missed the first time chambered another round and dropped her. I pulled my coat sleeve up where she had locked on my wrist to find that she had cut my wrist just below the hand, in four spots. I ran back to the truck and drove back home to the hospital where I got medical aid and had to tell the story of how a wild animal bit me, and that I may need rabies shots. I had to go back out and retreive the dead coyote, and bring it in to get tested for rabies, two days later I was notified that it did not test positive for rabies in which I was very releived I never used to carry a shotgun when I went calling but I do now, I like to pack light when I go calling, but I will not take a chance with coyotes at a close range has anybody else out there had any close encounters?