So how about the wind. I love it for hog hunting but hate it at times for coyote hunting. When do you think you are just educating them and should have stay home.
Every time you hunt them you educate them. Or they're dead...
Coyotes are one of my favorite animals to hunt because they
are so smart, they do learn quickly, and remember what they have learned.
As to the wind, here in SE NM, the wind is a constant issue. I usually stay out until it is blowing 25+ mph. Not because I can't dope the wind, but because I have had such poor success in calling them in at higher wind speeds.
Windy days are useful for spot-and-stalk, but I don't have the luxury of high ground to spot from in a lot of places that I hunt, so I reserve those places for winder days.
I do have a couple of river bottoms to hunt and those are good in windy spells as I can ease along the rim and spot and stalk or get down in the bottoms with a shotgun and work very slowly into the wind.
I also spend as much time as possible at the range in windy days, working on my doping skills. I call it "playing in the wind" and the more I play, the better I get in the field.