Coyote country


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2013
yakima Wa
I left the house on Wednesday to hunt coyotes tell Friday. The first day saw at least 12 coyotes all over 500 yards and moving, not interested in being called in at all. So lots of hiking and taking several long shots. Went 1 for 4....

The next Day I picked up my adventurous mother a few hours away. We loaded up the truck with her gear and set out for an overnighter in coyote country! We hiked over 8 miles on Thursday and my mom is a champ!!! She is always up for an adventure! We saw three and only had a shot on one, just a tad over 400 yards. We had an awesome time, never used the Foxpro once. I would have liked to shoot a few more yotes, but the adventure was so worth it!

What rate of twist may I ask ? My 6.5x284 Norma was a 1:9 and seemed to like the 120's but not the 140's
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