YesWlfdg -- Is this the area wear the Hole in the Wall hideout was located?
YesWlfdg -- Is this the area wear the Hole in the Wall hideout was located?
I wish I had that opportunity with my younger brother, I lost him last month. Just having that chance to do this hunt with family is a definite yes!I'm thinking this is going to be a good time. No guarantees as this is not a high fence but its seems like a pretty high success hunt from what I can tell. I've hunted elk in Colorado before OTC tags and even had a cow tag one year but didn't fill it. Hunted all week on public land never saw an elk. I'm pretty stoked about it and the antelope hunt as well, never did it so this should be an adventure. It's just my younger brother and I, he's never been on a "hunting trip" I figure this is a good one for him to get his feet wet, he's only ever really hunted whitetail and wild boar in Florida.
It's a done deal the elk tag is on its way to me!
I'm J. Mock, not macktalk me out of buying a leftover cow elk tag in Wyoming.....have opportunity to hunt them as an add on of an antelope hunt.....I figure if I'm putting in the effort and money to travel 2000 miles plus time off work why not!?
My favorite meat after bison. I would definitely do itI say that if elk is not something that you get to hunt on a regular basis, you should do it. Elk hunting is usually much more challenging, unless it is a hay field herd, and the size of the animal makes it special. Good luck on your hunt.
I have done a guided cow elk hunt the past five years, and have gotten one each year. The hunt is fair chase and just as challenging as going after a bull, in fact I've seen a lot of nice bulls while hunting cows. In my opinion, the meat is better eating and I would have no place in my home to hang big antlers. Plus the cost of a guided cow elk hunt is a fraction of the cost of a guided hunt for bulls. You have already purchased the tag, so I'll just say good decision and good luck on the hunt.