Well-Known Member
Actually I average the start loads from several manuals and work up, just like I did before I bought Quickload.
What I look for first is the point where the primer is just starting to be flush with the base of the case. And at this point the chamber pressure is high enough to make the brass stretch to meet the bolt face.
The point the case stretches to meet the bolt face varies with the construction of the case and the brass hardness. And at this point you are reaching the elastic limits of the brass and why you want minimum shoulder bump.
So tell me, do you ask people for Quickload start loads or do you look in the manuals...................
or do "YOU" just dump power in the case and hope for the best.
I would not say its a dumb question. The response to the question might be dumber then the question.... ( just in case you are wondering I am not being a jerk. more or less feeling you out.) Depending on who read what you wrote thy might think its ok to just experiment to get a starting load. Not wise or smart. So my question allowed you to clear up on your comment. "Bottom line, make a workup load and learn something about your rifle and the components you are using" I will admit. I took it to the Extreme! It was a feel you out question to. But you know there are those out there that would just measure out a amount of powder and try it for size. Even a to small of charge can be just as bad as to big of a charge. And maybe have less warning as you get close to it.
If its a Common cartridge that you can get load data for I use the load books then tweak the load to fit my gun.
I have never used quick load. But know those that do. Used right it is a good tool.
Now if its a wildcat that has never been done before and no other cartridge matches it for size. Its would be nice to have software you can put in all the details and see what it says for a starting load.
Remembering to that even if your shell hold the same amount of H2O as another one does not mean they will respond the same to the same amount and or type of powder.
Thanks for the explanation for how you do load workup. The way you do it is basically how I do it.
Again the question was more or less to feel you out because of the comment you made.
P.S The only time I just dump powder in a case is when its getting poured back into the case errr jug it came from. Or measuring the total capacity of a given case.