I live in Northwest Alabama and have seen mountain lion on two separate occasions. I know I'm gonna stir some controversy by saying that I've seen a solid black one that might have weighed 100lbs while sitting in a shooting house deer hunting. It was chasing a doe that weighed probably 60lbs. It was 18 steps at 8:40 in the mourning. Another hunter saw it the next day standing in the middle of a gravel road. I know they say they don't exist. I'm sorry to say I know 1 did and will take a polygraph to prove it. If I fail it I'll pay if I pass the person that questions my credibility pays. I also have a game camera photo of one 20 plus years ago and if I can find it I will post it. I showed the photo of it to game Warden. After staring at it for 5 minutes in silence he said, all I can say is they don't exist. I put the photo in my shirt pocket then he asked to see it again, I said politely, see what? It don't exist and I got up and walked out.