Cooper Rifle

Hey guys; I just found this on another site. Hard to believe Wilson in making Cooper barrels. Is this accurate? What the heck is a 6.5 Strong?

6.5 Strong - The Outdoor Community

Wilson bought Cooper Arms a few years back when Cooper sold the company. Cooper has been operated by them as a separate company as Cooper Firearms of Montana. I understand Wilson makes barrels specifically for Cooper. I have a Wilson barrel on my Cooper. Based on the performance I have seen out of my rifle, IMHO, it can stand well with the custom barrels I have owned(mostly Hart). It is an honest .25 MOA shooter, cleans fast with little or no copper fouling, and, holds it's zero, whether its dirty, clean, warm, or cold. I was skeptical initially, but have been very impressed with the barrel. I have no idea what the 6.5 Strong is but would be interested to find out.
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