Cooper Backcountry 7mm Rem Mag load ?

I bought a Cooper and could not get it to group. Was about to send it back but decided to try one more load. The Federal primers I had been using were on the bottom shelf so I grabbed some Winchester primers that were higher up ( just lazy!). Group shrunk by 2/3s! It likes WLRM and H1000 the best!
I bought a Cooper and could not get it to group. Was about to send it back but decided to try one more load. The Federal primers I had been using were on the bottom shelf so I grabbed some Winchester primers that were higher up ( just lazy!). Group shrunk by 2/3s! It likes WLRM and H1000 the best!
I just primed brass with Fed!
I have done load workups on 6 Cooper rifles. They are very nice rifles. All 6 rifles preferred lighter grained bullets. The 280AI preferred 140 grain bullets. It liked Barnes 140 TTX with H1000. I had always thought the targets supplied by Cooper had been shot at 90 feet. I remember seeing 30 yards on some of the older targets from around year 2005. Hope this is a little help to ya.

I have done load workups on 6 Cooper rifles. They are very nice rifles. All 6 rifles preferred lighter grained bullets. The 280AI preferred 140 grain bullets. It liked Barnes 140 TTX with H1000. I had always thought the targets supplied by Cooper had been shot at 90 feet. I remember seeing 30 yards on some of the older targets from around year 2005. Hope this is a little help to ya.

Cooper shot a 140 Barnes at the factory with IMR 4831. I tried the 145LRX with IMR 4381. I am gonna try Winchester primers as stated above. I am up for using the 145 as it will kill just as dead as the 162. Thanks
Range report: Bad news 3 of 5 Winchester primers failed to ignite. They might have been seated to deep. I need to test some out of the box. To be continued...

Good news: previous load with Fed match primers, H1000 and 162 ELDX shot a .536 group @100. I "manhandled" the rifle and was able to squeeze this group out.

Need to figure out the Winchester primer issue but the gun is looking promising. Thanks to all for the help.
Question: This super light (for me) rifle will not settle down on the bench, using a Caldwell front rest and rear bag. Do you guys suggest a bipod - rear bag? Or a softer front bag so I can get the gun to sit down in the front rest...
Question: This super light (for me) rifle will not settle down on the bench, using a Caldwell front rest and rear bag. Do you guys suggest a bipod - rear bag? Or a softer front bag so I can get the gun to sit down in the front rest...
Took my model 92 to Mexico for sheep. Shot Barnes LRX 168 grain bullet pushed by 58.9 gr of H4831sc. Work up to this but no,problems here. Great load. Cooper 280 loves 150 grain sledge hammer with 52.5 gr Rel 16. Great rifle and their customer service has been great even through bolt recall busy time.
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