Coolest trigger guard?

I'm not excited about the "squareness" of pictured guard. How about something like the one you pictured but with a little more roundness then a drop down curve for a middle finger rest. Also be cool if it could be hinged as to release the mag box on a detachable mag set up? Just throwing out an idea. I always thought a middle finger rest would serve as a more stable rest.
I like the middle finger rest, but since no one else has mentioned it yet, and the fact that I am a functionality freak, how about just making the trigger guard large enough to use while wearing thick gloves for those quick shots in the cold weather?
Almost forgot about these old Mossberg trigger guards:

Most of them that I've encountered had done what that one in the pic has done, shrink or something because they never match the stock contour and they usually have that same gap.

My understanding, and I won't claim that it is actually correct, is that the bottom plate of the AR15's "trigger guard" was hinged to allow for use with thick gloves. I can see where even if that is not the real reason how someone might conclude that it is.
Interesting thread @Mram10us I've been playing with an upgrade design for my custom Kimbers. 3d scanned an existing one then 3d printed the model, bolted it in and what do you know it fit, LOL. Figured that was a good place to start. I'll have to take a few photos.
I like the release inside the bow but you definitely need plenty of clearance and a decent spring on it to avoid self ejecting cartridges. I've seen at least one design that had twin levers integrated into the forward sides of the bow that looked really slick. I'll have to see if I can find it.
Here are a couple of examples. The whole bottom drops out of the Curtis. So where the outside pivots instead of the center there doesn't need to be anything projecting into the bow. Food for thought.

Interesting thread @Mram10us I've been playing with an upgrade design for my custom Kimbers. 3d scanned an existing one then 3d printed the model, bolted it in and what do you know it fit, LOL. Figured that was a good place to start. I'll have to take a few photos.
Very interested in your design. All for personal use. I would never do gun stuff for pay. Crazy :)
I like the release inside the bow but you definitely need plenty of clearance and a decent spring on it to avoid self ejecting cartridges. I've seen at least one design that had twin levers integrated into the forward sides of the bow that looked really slick. I'll have to see if I can find it.
The Gunwerks release (inside the trigger guard) has a strong spring on it; almost too strong for my taste.
This thread has shown my why that is important. Thanks, all.
Make a portion of the trigger guard removable then one could customize to match rifle and style. Similar to AR pinned bottom plate shown. The difference would be to make as much of the trigger guard possible replaceable. The rest of the bottom steel would stay in place.


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Make a portion of the trigger guard removable then one could customize to match rifle and style. Similar to AR pinned bottom plate shown. The difference would be to make as much of the trigger guard possible replaceable. The rest of the bottom steel would stay in place.
Great idea. Since they are just for me, I'd just etch it on the flat. Nice. I etched a punisher skull on my 30-06 comp rifle.
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