Converting staggered feed Savage LA to center feed DBM


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2012
Southern Mississippi
What is involved in converting a blind magazine staggered feed LA Savage to accept DBM. Looking at the two side by side it appears that the back of the opening would need to be milled to accept the bottom metal. Two additional questions. First the opening on the staggered feed is basically square where as the center feed with DBM is contoured. Does wide width the entire length of the opening matter. If not due to the magazine being inserted is it as straight forward as milling the back out far enough to accept the DBM and magazine.
There shouldn't be any modifications necessary. What bottom metal are you looking to use?
just mill it till the bottom metal fits pretty straight forward I have done it many times. some guys just use a Dremel to open it up. the accurate mag dbm needs the most material removed
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