Contender firing pin not hitting primer consistently


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2004
95% of the time it fires. About 5% of the time it doesn't fire with no primer dent or about half the normal dent.

What could cause this? Ideas? Trigger return spring is lightened, but nothing to the hammer or firing pin block.

Hammer spring can get weak, but ive yet to have to replace one myself, yet I hear its common.
Anything that will not let it lock up completely can cause misfires. A bullet seated long, a size die not adjusted to bump the shoulder enough to fit the gun/chamber… possibly another thing or two i cant think of at the moment lol.
Yrs ago My own personal troubles were always size die adjustment related.
Im wondering if your "authority to close" on some is related somehow.
I could be as simple as pulling the shoulder back out in some of the cases as you pull the expander back thru.

I find it interesting in my own loadings that i dont have one size die set…set to touch the shellholder. Im always a few thousandths off the shellholder, set with a feeler gauge for repeatability. As always…..others difer in the approach.
Hammer spring replacement would be my first attempt. They definitely weaken over time. Is this a new cartridge for you or have you successfully loaded it before? No primer dent does however suggest an internal safety situation. Lock up issue which could be caused by several things. Need more info.
Safe shooting
Years ago I had same problem with my carbine contender in 222 mag ai . I sent the receiver back to t/c and they sent a completely updated hammer assembly back with the newer style safety and other notable changes . I never knew my receiver was that old as I had bought it used . Never a problem since !
95% of the time it fires. About 5% of the time it doesn't fire with no primer dent or about half the normal dent.

What could cause this? Ideas? Trigger return spring is lightened, but nothing to the hammer or firing pin block.

It's probable an older model. It has 2 spring to send the hammer foreward. Need to replace the springs. I had this same problem.