Colorado Unit 4? Help

Mar 20, 2015
I'm looking into Unit 4 in CO, for 3rd rifle. We will be on horseback and willing to put the miles in. I know there are a lot of bulls killed in this unit according to the CPW. And potentially a zoo with hunters. In third season, should I still be hunting the eastern Mountain or north into the sagebrush. I'm comfortable with my Shurley brothers 300 wsm to 750 yards.
I've been looking over the same area as well, units 4,5,441,214 and 14. I assume you have looked at the Colorado hunting atlas? They have overlays with winter and summer range as well as travel corridors between the two. It looks like your hunting location should be determined by the weather. If it's an early winter the elk may have moved down and already be on the private ground in the western part of the unit. If it's a late winter they might still be at higher elevations waiting out the hunting seasons. If you catch it just right they might be migrating from summer to winter range and provide good opportunity. I think the bull numbers in unit 4 are a little skewed because of the large amount of private land there. I'm sure there are lots of ranchers and outfitters that account for most of the harvest in that unit. It has been a couple years since I looked at the stats and I don't remember if it lists whether the harvest took place on public or private land. If I was in your situation I would work up a plan for each of the three scenarios I mentioned. One plan for low elevation, hunt bordering private land. I'd go so far as to seek out land owners and see if they would grant permission to hunt their land. The second plan would be for high elevation. Expect to find elk that have been pressured since archery season in August, they will be holding up in the nastiest terrain possible. Third is the best case scenario, look for travel corridors and pinch points between high and low elevation, places where elk can move from forest to range land.
If you have a plan for all possible weather scenarios you will not be stumped if you show up and Mother Nature throws you a curve ball.
+1 on the above recommendation. The good thing about that unit is that it does have both mountain country and sage brush so you can hunt in either weather. The bad news is it could be a zoo, but having access to horses and going deep will be very beneficial to you. I'm not sure what your trophy expectations are but 5X5 bulls are probly the norm. Just a heads up but I'd probably apply for a deer tag as well..... especially with later season dates unless your are sitting on several years worth of points.
I'm looking into Unit 4 in CO, for 3rd rifle. We will be on horseback and willing to put the miles in. I know there are a lot of bulls killed in this unit according to the CPW. And potentially a zoo with hunters. In third season, should I still be hunting the eastern Mountain or north into the sagebrush. I'm comfortable with my Shurley brothers 300 wsm to 750 yards.

Co doesn't post stats on elk killed private land unless you get private land tag. Unit 4 has lot of private land some lease out hunting right or they offer hunting and most are booked way before hunting season starts. Go north from Craig about half way to Baggs is private and no access to NF. Once you get to first access rd going east it's still private till you get into NF. Once you get closer to Baggs you have BLM land but you still have private mixed in and it's that way going east along the Wy border till you hit rd that divides unit 4 and 5.

If it was me I'd hunt the north west part that's in the NF and some good horse trails going in but your going to have hunters in there. First year I moved to Co 1977 I hunted unit 4 and it was crowded back then. I fish Freeman Res and pretty busy during the summer guy's pack-in.

Well good luck
Thank you for the pointers, I did put in for a buck tag burning one point in doing so. Not sure what my odds are. We changed our dates to second season due to scheduling issues. Does anyone know the date that Co draw results come out?
Woohooo, I drew a buck tag for second season, so I will be Heading to unit 4 with two tags in my pocket this fall. Since I have never shot an elk or a muley I don't know which one I want to focus on first/ the hardest. (FYI I've killed 60+ Texas whitetail, everything from does, cull bucks and this past year I got a 175" 10 point on the in laws place biggest trophy to date)
For those of you that have hunted this unit, what kind of bucks should I expect? Shot the first legal one, or are there enough quality animals to hold and wait on a 150" plus buck. I know to the die hard trophy hunters a 150" is not big, they are looking for 200"ers. I'm more of a realist though and since I'll only have 10 days up there, 3 to scout and 6 to hunt, and one to pack up and out) I want to make the most of the time I have.
What caliber of bulls should I expect as well, I believe the unit has a 4x4 minimum.


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