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Colorado Is Going NUTZ - Anti Gun Legislation

I am real olde & have moved out of 3 states because of oppressive gun laws, excessive taxation, & other. Cultural & faith based influences have promoted moving. We are very fortunate to be U.S. citizens living in a country where every state has a constitution & travel permits are not required.
Over the past few weeks, Colorado has gone hard left, as in California left, with its various anti-2A legislation.

Bans on numerous semi-auto long guns and pistols.
Required liability insurance if you own/keep firearms in your home.
Security requirements to keep a firearm in you auto.
Storage requirements for firearms in you home.
Additional training requirements for CCW applicants.

I think it is only a matter of time before non lead bullets are required for hunting, and we already have a 15 round magazine limit in place.

If this continues, I am considering moving from this state, but my wife is a true blue (not left) Colorado native and refuses to leave.
Colorado , like Washington and Oregon are becoming communist states like California. Everything you do from the time you get up to the time you go to bed is force fed to ya by the liberal agenda! I agree with Red, people have to stand up and fight back. The commies will put every dime they have into what they believe in, even go to jail for it. If we want to save the things we love, we have to be willing to do the same or it will go bye bye. Unfortunately there are so many liberals in each of those states you might not be able to make a difference anymore. Good Luck!
They got what they voted for
Unfortunately, like many states, they got what the city population density voted for, not what the "residents" voted for. Minnesota is the same way now. Being from Minnesota, I had a friend ask me for tips about when they go to visit Minnesota as they wanted to experience the Mall of America(which used to be kind of cool, in a big city sort of way). I told him if they want to go to MoA to pick up bullet proof vests and a Somali translator. It's a completely different world there compared to when I lived there 10 years ago.
They got what they voted for
Not sure I agree with that. When there are a half a million more democrats in the state voting than republican its hard to get a republican voted into office no matter how hard you try. This is based on the 2020 Presidential election numbers. With the influx of immigrants into the state it makes it even worse. Montana is a Red state but I can tell you the two universities in this state are plum full of liberals and they vote blue every time, even when its a dimwit running for the office. Luckily the backbone of this state is hard working Farmers, Ranchers and blue collar workers that refuse to succumb to that way of thinking. Unfortunately its only a matter of time until the old farmers and ranchers will be gone and a large portion of their younger generation don't want that life. They sell their lands to the first developer that throws big bucks at them and more commies from California, Oregon and Washington move in. Once you have the numbers its all over but the crying.
The commies will put every dime they have into what they believe in, even go to jail for it.
Sadly it's our tax dollars that become anti-gun/hunting using the government to fight. Our donations to independent organizations are what fights them and the dedicated people in the organizations, ie, NRA, NAGR, RMGO, TGR, etc.
During the Clinton administration, many firearms were no longer available under his Assault Rifle Ban. Ten years later, when it expired, it was not voted into permanent law. This was a nationwide law. The bumpstock ban under the Trump administration is a nationwide law. It does not effect me directly, as I have no desire to own one. I would not ever entertain the idea of moving out of the United States due to these laws. I wrote letters and e-mails to my congress person and senators and extended my NRA membership as well as joining other hunting and anti-gun fighting organizations. I live in a very red state where my Congress woman and Senators will vote against gun control. I am trying not to make this political, and if I crossed the line, tell me. I will delete this post. I just want to say never give up the fight. Our shooting brothers in California, Colorado and Washington deserve the same shooting rights as we do in Wyoming. Never give up the fight for hunting, fishing rights. I will step down off of my soap box now before I get light headed from the elevation. Red
Wyoming is one of the few states I have considered moving to, and most likely, it is the only one I could convince my wife to live in.

The problem with our current legislation is it is NOT just the evil black rifle nor AK variants, for the wording of the legislation covers hundreds of semi-autos including shotguns, handguns, 22's, etc, etc. There is a "features" list in the legislation, so even if your firearm has a threaded barrel, break or compensator, it will be banned from future sales and private transfers. Its worded in a way that could make all future semi's illegal beyond current ownership.

Then there are the liability insurance, automotive storage, home storage, etc, etc regs for ALL firearms.

As an FYI, we routinely fight back with letters, polls, calls, emails, etc, but so far, its had no impact on the current leftist legislators. They will do what they will and remain in office.
Cmon up. WY probably has the strongest gun rights in the country. Most of the laws secure rights instead of restrict. Because of that I don't pay real close attention to what other states are trying to do in the other direction but don't most of those state laws get defeated after fighting them in the high courts? They can't make state laws that are unconstitutional but I know they can make things very difficult and those things don't always get sorted out too quick. I think it's well worth a few bucks to support orgs like GOA, FPC, and NRA. They do a lot of that fighting when you can't get legislature to do what you need.
As an FYI, we routinely fight back with letters, polls, calls, emails, etc, but so far, its had no impact on the current leftist legislators. They will do what they will and remain in office.
I accidentally received a email from a local congressman a few years and we'll just say that I didn't agree with what he was touting as achievements. I emailed him back and asked him questions about the votes that he casted and if he would explain why he has taken the position on the issue. These were legitimate questions. Of course they realized that I shouldn't have received the email by my questions and never heard back from him.
I now understand that they can care less what the people want it's all about the agenda.
The only thing that's going to stop the insanity of taking away our freedom is by not complying with illegal so called laws. The bill of rights and the constitution was written to restrain the government. Not what the government can allow. Once the citizens give up their rights good luck of ever trying to regain that power back. Unfortunately the government has now started collaboration with private businesses to control what they can't through legislation. IMHO
During the Clinton administration, many firearms were no longer available under his Assault Rifle Ban. Ten years later, when it expired, it was not voted into permanent law. This was a nationwide law. The bumpstock ban under the Trump administration is a nationwide law. It does not effect me directly, as I have no desire to own one. I would not ever entertain the idea of moving out of the United States due to these laws. I wrote letters and e-mails to my congress person and senators and extended my NRA membership as well as joining other hunting and anti-gun fighting organizations. I live in a very red state where my Congress woman and Senators will vote against gun control. I am trying not to make this political, and if I crossed the line, tell me. I will delete this post. I just want to say never give up the fight. Our shooting brothers in California, Colorado and Washington deserve the same shooting rights as we do in Wyoming. Never give up the fight for hunting, fishing rights. I will step down off of my soap box now before I get light headed from the elevation. Red
If anyone remembers We went to Washington DC. a few years ago to talk to our Congress & Senate Representatives about the economy and the 2nd. Although we sent emails to their offices for meetings we got Boiler Plate response. We went any way. NO it was NOT JAN 6th. Did voice opinions to their AIDS.
I will say and always have said it is "WE THE PEOPLE" are responsible for all the Laws & Policies put in place whether it be FEDERAL or STATE.
It all comes back to the people that elect officials to put Policies/Laws in effect in the voter's place. Remember all the Officials/Representatives that were ELECTED in came from the people.
Remember the United States is a "REPUBLIC"

Look at CO for instance. The State makes a lot of TAX revenue from Tourism - Skiing, Backcountry. What did the State Reps do? Legalize POT to get all the POT Heads to come to CO. Liberals that only care about getting HIGH and Peace Love Harmony- BAN ALL FIREARMS and grow pot plants.
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