During the Clinton administration, many firearms were no longer available under his Assault Rifle Ban. Ten years later, when it expired, it was not voted into permanent law. This was a nationwide law. The bumpstock ban under the Trump administration is a nationwide law. It does not effect me directly, as I have no desire to own one. I would not ever entertain the idea of moving out of the United States due to these laws. I wrote letters and e-mails to my congress person and senators and extended my NRA membership as well as joining other hunting and anti-gun fighting organizations. I live in a very red state where my Congress woman and Senators will vote against gun control. I am trying not to make this political, and if I crossed the line, tell me. I will delete this post. I just want to say never give up the fight. Our shooting brothers in California, Colorado and Washington deserve the same shooting rights as we do in Wyoming. Never give up the fight for hunting, fishing rights. I will step down off of my soap box now before I get light headed from the elevation. Red