They gotta get more $ to "reintroduce and protect " those poor, fuzzy, helpless wolves ;-/On I hunt colorado people are freaking out saying our tags will jump to $200 if we get rid of over the counter tags. Idk if I by that
Unfortunately the same people that voted for wolf reintroduction would probably want to stop all hunting-- if it goes to a vote, I'm sure it will pass. -- if it stays in the hands of sensible people we may have a chance.I think us in Colorado really need to get on same page to fight the Mountain lion and Bob cat hunting trapping Bill. I think that will have more of an impact on wildlife. I'm from a place with cats and they will wipe out all the deer in a blink of an eye. That is scary that is what could be the end of hunting in my opinion so I really hope that doesn't pass.
Yes this sucks big time!! The cat bill is suppose to go up for voting like the wolfe which is stupid. When did we stop listening to the professional biologist and dow a out wildlife and listen to people who have no clue. I'm honestly preparing for the worse and end of hunting really in Colorado. I've seen this coming for years nowUnfortunately the same people that voted for wolf reintroduction would probably want to stop all hunting-- if it goes to a vote, I'm sure it will pass. -- if it stays in the hands of sensible people we may have a chance.
I honestly don't know too many people that hunt or trap cats-- I do know some ranchers that protect their herd from them though.
Voter propositions are the tyranny of the majority. I hate them. Arizona had one a few years ago that asked, "Should we increase the state marginal tax rate by an additional 3% on those who make over $250,000/year?" It passed by a slim majority but was thrown out in court. State government then passed a flat 2.5% tax, which caused me to keep my AZ residency and keep paying CO non-resident fees.Yes this sucks big time!! The cat bill is suppose to go up for voting like the wolfe which is stupid. When did we stop listening to the professional biologist and dow a out wildlife and listen to people who have no clue. I'm honestly preparing for the worse and end of hunting really in Colorado. I've seen this coming for years now