Colorado Cattle Association sues over Wolves

Looks like the ranchers lost, judge ruled in favor of reintroduction
Duh.....I struggle to understand why the ranchers association threw money at something that has dozens of previous court decisions. Your fighting the federal government on something that has already been established and wrung through the courts. I only know a few cattle ranchers, and they would not waste their money on something like this. Guessing the association has some blood sucking lawyers who needed a little extra cash for Christmas.
I've hunted in Minnesota with large numbers of wolves for 30 years, I've never seen one while hunting and only about ten times in my life. They are insanely aware of human activity and good at avoiding it. The only way to truly get rid of them is trapping and helicopters.
Some people see them more than others. Saw 13 in the last month 4 in one pack and 9 in the other about 30 miles apart. Trapping, Shooting, Helicopters, Driving Parties, have been used to eliminate wolves with minimal success. If people want to get rid of pests history both ancient and yesterdays facts have proven POISEN works the best!!
The wolves are already bumping down from WY into northern CO. Unfortunately, even if the Cattlemen's assoc. is successful, they're delaying the Inevitable. That being said, I hope they win.
Nah, I believe natural movement has nothing to do with the current wolf situation in the Lower 48. If natural worked as they claim it does why are they still releasing many wolves with the immediate ability to reproduce?
Did you see the size of the fully mature adult male they released? Geeze, at least give us a chance --- they released them in grand county but won't list specifics as they are afraid of poachers ( but why? If they think it's such a good idea and "we all" voted them here--sattire intended)
The reached target numbers for each state in one or two years.We have enough for the target out west in just Montana, as set forth beforehand.There goes your hunting
They claim they are going to release 50 in CO over the next 12 months

I have no doubt the wolves will thrive and succeed at reducing rabbit, mule deer, elk, moose, and even domesticated canine populations fairly quickly
They claim they are going to release 50 in CO over the next 12 months

I have no doubt the wolves will thrive and succeed at reducing rabbit, mule deer, elk, moose, and even domesticated canine populations fairly quickly
They will run your cats down too. 50 will destroy your state in a few years. Just wait until next summer when you find all the deer and elk carcasses that just have the liver ate out. The adults train the pups late summer and when the game is plentiful they just go from one to the other.

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