color for Mcmillan stock?

While not a mcmillan, here is my semi custom .338 bedded in a H.S in urban camo. For what it is worth. Urban Camo 338
Probably just like you, I spent a ton of time going through forums like this one trying to find stocks with color ratios I liked. Luckily there are a lot of great people out there willing to share photos of their stocks along with the color ratios they used. To make this process easier on other people, I just finished compiling the most comprehensive photo gallery of McMillan stocks available. In includes pictures of over 200 stocks ... all in one place. Plus the exact color ratios are provided for every single one.

I started by scouring the web to find as many photos that people have shared on public forums like this, and recorded the color ratios they provided. I then literally spent days organizing and editing all those pictures. I tried to correct photo color issues caused by cameras or exposure, cropped them in a way that makes side-by-side comparison easier, combined multiple views of the same stock into a single image, enlarged & sharpened most of the photos, and added the color ratios to each for easy reference.

Check it out at

Probably just like you, I spent a ton of time going through forums like this one trying to find stocks with color ratios I liked. Luckily there are a lot of great people out there willing to share photos of their stocks along with the color ratios they used. To make this process easier on other people, I just finished compiling the most comprehensive photo gallery of McMillan stocks available. In includes pictures of over 200 stocks ... all in one place. Plus the exact color ratios are provided for every single one.

I started by scouring the web to find as many photos that people have shared on public forums like this, and recorded the color ratios they provided. I then literally spent days organizing and editing all those pictures. I tried to correct photo color issues caused by cameras or exposure, cropped them in a way that makes side-by-side comparison easier, combined multiple views of the same stock into a single image, enlarged & sharpened most of the photos, and added the color ratios to each for easy reference.

Check it out at 200+ McMillan Stock Colors Photos | Precision Rifles & Handloading

Thanks for posting, I was looking for something like this a few
years back and this has far surpassed anything I could find in one
place. Thank you for your efforts.
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