You are all correct, this initiative should have never made it onto the ballot. They will be releasing them in all the wilderness areas of the western slope, but not a one will be set free on the eastern side where all the misinformed, emotional idiots who who voted for this travesty live. And you are also correct in the fact that the sportsman will be responsible for footing the bill, as always. This is just the left trying to stop all hunting, fishing, and trapping by eliminating all the animals that we as sportsman have help get to where they are now. The early estimates are in and it looks like the year of the release, CPW will need an additional $800,000 a yr for the wolves. I know it would be a long shot, but if the sportsman would boycott CALI-RADO for a yr or two and they can see the economical impact that this is going to have, maybe they dumb***** in charge would wake up.