Classified question


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
Hello to all. I have a question that most likely anyone can answer other then I. I will admit here that I am computer dumb. Not ashamed of it, just older. I grew up in a time when being outside, playing , hunting , fishing was more important. I laugh when I see things on TV about "back when" there was not a internet, no cell phones, you could take a pistol to school to show off to your shop teacher because they also liked to hunt or just enjoyed firearms.

Where did the time go.

Sorry all, I lost track here. My question is that I have been a member longer then I remembered, but have been very busy (work). I even thought that I was just now rejoining as a new member.

Question : I had posted some rifles that I was going to try and sell to purchase some top of the line optics. The posting states, waiting for moderator approval to go public, and the post also has a icon of a eyeball(watching) and another icon(moderated). Have I done anything wrong, because I truly enjoy the site. A wealth of info on this site to be learned for sure. My only problem being a poor Cop is that I can't hunt the west and write some great story about it.

Thanks in advance for any explanations.

We flag folks who have a long absence in between posts. We want to ensure your account is not compromised, etc. Apologies for the inconvenience but we really want the community to continue to be a trusted one.

Thanks for the question.
No problem at all. Thank you for a heads up. Just wanted to check to see that I did not do anything wrong.

Thanks again.
Being a "poor Cop" caught my eye. I sure wish you guys were paid more for dealing with the craziness we have now. Thank you and be safe!
Thank you for the support. I have 24 years in now, so I am going to stick it out. Some day I will retire, as long as my children are doing well first. Then I will head for the hills.

Thanks again.
I just checked this forum support page for the same reason. I just posted to the for sale classified but it says waiting for moderation. I'm a newer member but I want to make sure I don't need to do anything else.

Thanks for your help.
Warning! This thread is more than 6 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.