

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
corpus christi texas
i was watching spike tv the other day and they had an episode on about sightings of mysterious creatures .whats the deal with these people thinking theve spotted the elusive chupacabra. me personaly i think it just a coyote with mange or some other type of skin disease. if anyone has ever shot anything like this, i want to know what on earth makes people think its anything other than a coyote. isnt a chupacabra suppose to walk upright and have big buggy eyes and have wings or some crap like that. i know this is a stupid subject but its getting stagnant around here so what the heck......
I saw an episode on discovery or one of those channels on these things. IIRC they confirmed it was a member of the coyote family. I don't remember well but I don't think it was mange and are small in size unlike some folklore would lead you to believe.
iv got a buddy that was hunting out near cotoulla texas that swears he saw a monkey and i asked him why he didnt shoot it, and he said he replied straight faced,[ didnt buy a tagg for a monkey],, hahah true story
You guys want to see a REAL Chupacabra? One that kills with out warning, and is ruthless?

Here you go:


First two victims of El Chupacabra

The next unsuspecting victim:

Here is the most recent. 571 yard Coues. No idea he was in the scope.
Here's a photo of the one my dad shot back in November. He says this is the third one he's seen in the wild, but the only one he got a shot at. This one is just a coyote with a bad case of the mange - you can see small tufts of hair in the photo. Anyway, because it looks so odd, most people don't realize it's a coyote and claim it's the elusive beast.
The world is ate up with DA's

My little girls school was put on lock down this week because someone reported see two yotes in a near by park. they made every one come and pick up there kids after school no one could walk home. they need be to worry more about the sick two legged animals out there that could be waiting to grab a kid other than two old yotes in a park. we live on a creek that leads to the bay all brush about 400-500yrds away with a 500-700ac field of brush that runs bown along the bay to the king ranch witch is over 850,000ac. these people are so dumb about wildlife it is sickning. hell i saw a mountail loin walking down the bay front two years ago and yote come by my back yard all the time. people are dumb about this stuff
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Jeff, Go to the next school board meeting and offer your services as a, Malicous Wildlife Control Officer. Feed them the biggest line of BS you got, and see if there scared enough to offer you a job.

that would be funny.
Jeff, Go to the next school board meeting and offer your services as a, Malicous Wildlife Control Officer. Feed them the biggest line of BS you got, and see if there scared enough to offer you a job.

that would be funny.

Yes it would be funny.

In Christ,

Song Dog
These SOB'S around here want it both ways no killing of the little animals. but lock the school down because there scared to death of them. I teel you i'm so sick of the dumb a$$es that live this way. i would much rather have the yotes around that the dumb people of this world we live in.
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