
FEENIX; Yes I knew the velocity limitations, but owned nothing in the past 62 years of active shooting/hunting that approached 3900fps.
Carl L.
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Rover 3; I own/owned a Oehler M-33 and a 35P. In my opinion they were/are the top of the "shoot over" chronos. By the way I see that Oehler is producing the 35P (triple screen) again. Still have the 35P but it has finally quit. About 33yrs service.... I cannot complain. I upgraded from the Oehler M-33 to 35P in 12 September, 1988. As I was a M-33 owner Oehler Co. contacted me and offered their new unit, the 35P, for $160. I also ordered a spare sky screen III with cable for $30(I have seen me shoot) I might still order out the new 35P. Higher price but a quality product. Do I need it., no I am happy with the LabRadar, but still.........
Carl L.
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Wiley, I just read your comment... Gotta laugh. I also am learning to HATE auto spell correction (or whatever they call it).
Of course, if I would really read my posts before posting there probably would not be a spelling problem. I never did like school. Matter of fact high school was the worst 7 years of my life. Carl L.
I have made my own Magnetospeed pic rail mount that is very adjustable. I shoot groups with no POI shift, in fact I shot an F Open class match with it attached this Summer. I have recorded as high as 4330 fps on a 30" 223 WSSM without any problems. Here is a picture.
I shoot with the V3 attached most of the time, I want all the data I can get, in as many different environmental conditions as possible. Especially during load development. I thought about Lab Radar, but am glad I didn't buy one. There are way too many issues with it beyond the price. Magnetospeed V3 works every time! Especially well with a off barrel mount.
View attachment 295649
I really like that setup. How adjustable is it? Are those aluminum pieces something you can buy pre-made or did you mill and drill?
I really like that setup. How adjustable is it? Are those aluminum pieces something you can buy pre-made or did you mill and drill?
I used 1/2 x 3/4 6061 aluminum for the main rails and 1/4 x 3/4 for the links. As seen in the photo It will adjust from 10" to 25" long, center of pic rail clamp to MS bayonet. And vertically about 8" but can be configured in different ways to adapt to your needs. Basically it is two parallelograms used in conjunction with each other.
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