cheney incident


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2004
on the rifle range in Utah
I sat down and watched the evening news for the first time in months last night and was absolutely blown away by the terrible and non-professional way in which NBC and CBS news correspondents reported the CHeney hunting accident. I try never to watch these liberal, biased, so called "news stations" because of their one-sided presentation of the world and this incident further persuaded me to my belief that they are nothing but a bunch of fault-finding, non-ethical, story chasers.

They gave the story the same hype and attention normally reserved for Hollywood red carpet affairs. They really tried to scratch and shape the story into something as dramatic as Cheney blew somebodies head off with a 50 bmg from 10 feet away or something but it just wasn't there. He <font color="red"> peppered a guy with bb's!! </font> That's all. Big stinking deal! Who hasn't been peppered out hunting ducks in a marsh or out shooting doves? It happens. Just becuase he is the Vice means he can't have an accident?! Come on NBC, get real. @#&amp;* happens! DEal with it.

Since they couldn't really be appeased by the explanation of what happened, their stinking correspondents had to pretend like they were upset that they didn't get the story immediately for their u
Unfortunately, the 78 year old Whittington has now suffered a heart attack which was instigated by a pellet which migrated closer to his heart.

The media feeding frenzy has just begun! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
There are some versions of the story that say he didn't have a hunting license.

My understanding is they transferred the guy out of the intensive care ward today.

Texas has a mandatory firearms accident reporting law.

But then I guess if you are going to poach a few quail you wouldn't want to call the sheriff and report that you shot your partner while you were poaching.

I find it highly amusing.
bly the time the story got to Idaho, good old channel 8 (IF) had him being shot w/a pellet gun. Sheesh /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif
I heard he didn't have a migratory bird stamp ($7.00), a recent (4 month old) requirement that is apparently a common error there (Texas) this early in the new requirement.

I have no grief with the affair overall as I understand it. One thing I've learned living and working with the federal government is to apply the "how will it look on the front page of the Washington Post" filter. Anything that would look bad on the front page will get ya whether it's shooting your hunting partner or not reporting it to the media during or immediately after (within seconds) of the incident... A fella can't win here no matter how it's played I'd guess.
If the Armstrong ranch was a private shooting preserve with stocked birds, then no license or bird stamp is required. There would also be no seasons and no bag limits. Same as any other animal shot on a hunting preserve.
Dave King is correct. The VP did have his nonresident hunting license ($125), but did not have the stamp. He had requested all appropriate paperwork, but the folks at the ranch dropped the ball.

Anyone remember when Bubba aka Clinton was President and he bragged about shooting ducks in Arkansas (trying to look pro-gun)? Some checking was done which turned up the fact that he had never had a hunting license or duck stamp. That made him either a liar or a poacher. The mainstream media wouldn't even give it the time of day.

Make no mistake, the mainstream news media is ANYTHING but objective. They have a liberal agenda and seek to influence public opinion by the way in which they report "news". Well, I'll get off my soapbox now before I get too lathered up!
I look at this incident a little different. IMO Cheny shot a fellow hunter because he was careless. It is not the victims fault unless he looked like a quail flying. The shot penetrated which is a little more than peppering in my book. He failed to report it in a timely manner and it wouldn't be national news if he wasn't the VP. Of course if he wasn't the VP he would have some serious fines to pay and should loose his license privileges. No sympathy from me as Cheny violated the basic rules of safe gun handling and would not be welcome to hunt with me.

Don't construe those opinions to be some personal attack or lack of support on him as the VP.
I also look at this a bit differently and have no idea what kind of slant the TV media is putting on this event since I don't watch that crap. I appreciate the fact that Cheney is a hunter, but on the other hand it concerns me a great deal that the man shot a fellow hunter for whatever "reason". A .28 gauge quail load doesn't pack a whole lot of punch so far as I know and for those pellets to penetrate to near the heart means the guy had to be pretty close. This isn't the distant peppering some of you compared it to - it had to be a close range breech of a prime rule of firearms safety.

I'm not anti-Cheney but when the man next in line to take the presidential role performs a blatant act of carelessness, that concerns me. Cheney has had his share of medical hardships, heart difficulties can certainly effect the thinking process. Maybe it's time he consider his career options.
A .28 gauge quail load doesn't pack a whole lot of punch so far as I know and for those pellets to penetrate to near the heart means the guy had to be pretty close.

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The shot didn't penetrate his heart. It probably penetrated the superior vena cava and was then deposited into the heart. I'm not supporting the guy, I think they should have lined him up @ about 30 yds and pepper his @$$!!! Stupid, careless people annoy me, no matter their political status.
My post was cut short for unknown reasons. I think my internet connection hickuped.

Anyway, what I was saying was that the correspondents were upset they didn't have the story in time for their upcoming nightly deadline. BIg deal. It was 16 hours later. They tried making it sound like they hid the information from them.

Well, I can say I would rather watch ice skating or heaven forbid, American Idol instead of those liberal, bone head news shows again. The only reason they made such a big deal of it is becuase the Bush administration was involved (which they hate) and it involved guns and hunting (which they hate even worse) and the story eluded them for a few hours.

I for one, am glad that we have a vice pres that enjoys the hunting sports and does it on his own time on his own accord and not just when the cameras are on him during a campaign.
Varmint Hunter, not true about Pheasant Preserves. I've hunted in your state and the season runs from September to end of March on Pheasant preserves. No license is required. However in other states it is required. I myself did not know this and almost hunted in NJ without a license. I did however call a NJ license agent and was told the rules, so I purchased the proper license.

My point is not to correct you, just to point out that hunting regs are different all over for different game and I think the media making a big deal of the $7 stamp is nothing but a bunch of garbage. Dave King pointed out that its a new reg and many people are unaware.

Clearly the media was going to make a big deal of this, and frankly they would have made the same big deal if it was Al Gore. What gets me angry is the spins they put on it such as the stamp and the fact that he is on the pro-gun side doesn't help. But, lets be honest, if it was Al Gore the NRA would come out with a statement about him being too busy trying to get rid of guns to learn proper safety. Or something like that.

I do however think that the VP's safety standards are lacking, and I wouldn't hunt with him either! Also, why was the guy in front of him to begin with? I always hunted birds in a line when I'm with others.

Stupid, careless people annoy me, no matter their political status.

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100% right on!
I am glad to have anyone in a position of power in our county enjoying the outdoors sports.

I do think he acted like a jackass though, I have had a few mishaps in my hunting career and I know that 99% of them werent accidents, they were me or other people being stupid!!

at least it was only a 28ga, would have been real bad if they were road huntin for coyotes!!

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