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Check out TSUSA @ the Great American Outdoor Show


Official LRH Sponsor
LRH Sponsor
Sep 27, 2022
cheshire, connecticut
From February 1-9, 2025, Target Sports USA will be at the Great American Outdoor Show with many special events, giveaways and announcements.

The Adventure Begins at the Great American Outdoor Show:
Enter for a chance to take home a Jacked-up Jeep Gladiator.
Ammo+—not only do members receive exclusive savings, but they're also automatically entered for a chance to win a fully customized Jeep.

If you're attending GAOS, take a picture with the Gladiator for entry!

February 6 – Meet Tony Sentmanat
Known as @realworld_tactical on Instagram and YouTube, Tony Sentmanat will be at our booth. Don't miss the opportunity to meet him in person, take a picture or get an autograph.

Tony Sentmanat.jpg

Don't miss these exclusive event highlights at Booth #710 at the Great American Outdoor Show!

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