Well-Known Member
I have friends just to your North East in Miles City, MT. I know how hard it is on them when the cold sets in especially with heavy snow. It's all day every day just to try and keep hay/feed out and water flowing.As I stated in my first post, one of the main purposes of going to the range and having each hunter check "0" on his rifle is to allow me the opportunity to assess their skill level. I'm no long range guru, but it doesn't take much to determine if a person has actually prepared for their trip by getting in some range time. For the average hunter who wants an enjoyable western hunt, I have been very fortunate to be able to provide that service and send everyone home with some happy memories.
Correct, I am wanting to start concentrating more on the shooting aspect with the hunts I guide. As was suggested above, I can already provide the "Fish In A Barrel" hunt with the chance of a more challenging and rewarding hunt for those who possess the skills to be successful. Putting a person on an antelope is not a problem. As a matter of fact, it's usually fairly easy. Harvesting an above average antelope, on the other hand, usually requires an above average skill set. I would really like to start guiding more hunters who possess those needed skills.
I've got repeat clients who continue to come back, which makes me happy in knowing that I am doing something right. Now I'm just wondering if I would be able to tap into a market for the more experienced shooter who would appreciate a 1:1 hunting experience.
I could definitely do this. For the last several years, I have only allowed a minimal amount of does to be harvested. It has been pretty dry and the antelope herd is still recovering somewhat from drought conditions. Now though, the herd is looking decent and numbers are slowly starting to rebound in my specific area. This can change fairly quick, but I think I could offer hunts with a two animal harvest limit.
For their second animals, would hunters prefer to harvest a doe or a management type buck? This could be a fairly important question during some years, because if the herd numbers start taking a hit due to conditions, I may have to eliminate the doe opportunities in favor of the management bucks.
Kids and the older guys ALWAYS get extra attention. I am a firm believer in helping kids get started down the right path and I will do everything in my power to insure that the youngsters have a positive experience. There has been many times when the kid went home with a better goat than dad. The older guys get the same treatment. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the generations who came before us and worked hard to afford us the opportunities we now enjoy and I will do whatever I can to make sure those older guys know they are appreciated.
To those who have sent pm's, I haven't forgot about you. The weather turned to crap and I have been busy as heck. I will try and respond to everyone today if possible.
Good luck.