Change a 700 to a 6MM turbo 40 wildcat??


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2014
The Woodlands Texas
So I have been tossing around the idea of making a 700 into a 6MM turbo 40. Here
Now most of what I see is being done in AR platform but I am thinking that Why have a AR with a 26" barrel when It would seem to be better in a bolt action? Has anyone tried this? It is based on a necked down 6.5 Grendal and uses 28Gr-32gr powder depending on your choice. 2.260 COAL Short action should work fine. You also have less headache to make brass like 6MM dasher 6MMBR. 2900FPS with a 105gr Berger 0.536 G1. Makes great looking numbers.
Any thoughts?
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